Welcome to UUM

United Urban Movement Knowledge Hub

Double check everything.

Confirm that all the necessary items and equipment is available. Make sure they are in good condition. The same applies for officials and volunteers.

Make sure that you have adequate medical support, and even if it’s not mandatory, we strongly advise you to have an insurance covering the event. After that, contact all participating individuals and teams to confirm their attendance. Ensure they sign a waiver of liability.(this should be in the regulations). This protects you legally in case of injury.

In addition, provide them with an e-mail for contact if they have questions and comments. E-mail is always better them a phone number, because the conversation is recorded and you will not be disturb for unnecessary subjects.

Enjoy the sports event but… don’t forget you are in charge.

As the organiser, you should have fun, just like everyone else. It’s okay to cheer and take those memorable pictures.

However, don’t forget even for a minute that you are responsible for all the participants. Your real success is running the event to completion with minimal hitches. Be reachable throughout the event. Stay alert to notice any challenges or emergencies.

Good Luck